Today was a great day! We slept in late..well, Miguel and I did, but my poor mom got woken up first by Matthew and then by Mikey! I didn't sleep in long after Mikey woke up. I kept thinking about all we had to do and get ready. I would have liked to stay in bed, but I was up at about 10. When Miguel woke up about an hour later, I convinced him to go for a jog with me! It was so nice and fresh outside...I just felt like getting out and running!! OMG...I have only gotten off the treadmill kick for almost two weeks and already I am out of shape!! We barely did a like ten minute run and I was DYING! Okay, dying is exagerrating, but I was really out of breath! It's amazing to me how it takes me such a long time to get to a good point in my working out where I am not tired or out of breath, but that it can take such a short amount of time to lose that progress and go back to where you began, KWIM? I'm so mad at myself for letting myself get out of the routine. It happens to me every couple of months. I guess I get a bit discouraged and tired of busting my butt and not seeing the results as quickly as I would like. I AM getting back on it come Monday. I know it's going to be hard all over again, but I guess that's the price I have to pay for getting sidetracked :( ANYWAY, back to my day...LOL After our jog, we came in and started getting stuff ready and putting the turkey in the oven. I made homemade mashed potatoes and we had to make a quick run to HEB because we didn't have any milk and guess what?? Neither did HEB!!! LOL Okay, I did get a gallon, but OMG...there really was not much to choose from. There were literally only about 20 different gallons of milk. It was like a big milk shortage!! LOL It was quick trip to the store and thankfully it was not as crazy as I thought it was going to be. Oh and my baby bought me this book I had been wanting. It's called "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer. I can't wait to start reading it! Dinner was delicious! And even better because we were surrounded by the love of family :) It was only eight of us, but it was still nice :) After dinner, we played some Guitar Hero...mine and Miguel's new addiction! LOL I have to say..we have gotten pretty good at it! LOL After my sis's step son got us some more songs, Miguel and I stayed up playing and taking turns and we beat the game...on EASY mode at least! LOL As we speak, Miguel is downstairs trying to see how far he can get on Medium speed! He's doing pretty good!! At the end of the day, I looked around at my family...our house...everything...and I just feel so incredibly blessed to have what we do. I am so very thankful for my two boys who although frustrate the heck out of me at times, I just love, love, LOOOOVE to pieces, for Miguel who frustrates me just as much as times but who I just love so freaking much, for my mom who I have to admit, I'd be lost partner in scrappy other half...need I say more?? LOL :) The people in my life, that is what I am most thankful for. That is what makes life worth living for me. I am also very thankful that I have brought God into my life. And so very thankful that He has changed me in so many ways...I can't even begin to list them all, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my life loving and serving Him. Everything else we have, well, it's just icing on the cake :) I wish that Elijah had been here too, but he has been spending the week with his dad which I'm glad for. I know that Elijah loves it and that Gilbert doesn't get to see him as much as I do. So it's all good :) He will be back tomorrow and we are taking him and Matthew to the movies on Saturday and maybe out to eat somewhere. It will be fun! I think we are going to see that new movie "Enchanted". It looks funny!
Here are the LOs I did at this past Saturday's crop. I had 8 packed and can you believe that by about 8:30 I was DONE!! And that was even that we got there at four instead of two and ate and shopped before we even got started scrapping! I guess it was because I pretty much had my whole LO done and laid out. All I really had to do was glue it down. We ended up coming home at eleven, but we had a great time and I got some shopping done and alot of LOs finished.
Well, it's late and I'm tired. Good night :)
All sooo lovely. You are a freakin' marathon scrapper:) You should enter some kind of contest...hee hee. Thanksgiving was great. I however, am not that great at Guitar Hero. I'll just be a backup singer:) LOL
wow look at all this eye candy scrapping just brilliant
OH MY GOSH...all of those layouts are darling! you have been busy busy!! keep up the great work and share more soon!!
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