After that we had to do our grocery shopping so Miguel had to write a check since I left my card (oh and after we left M's, I immediately remembered where I had left it!). We spent over $120 and we did NOT have enough bags in my opinion. Gosh, the price of EVERYTHING keeps getting higher and higher! The thing that shocked me the most, was the price of the toilet paper we We hadn't bought any in a LONG time because my mom was pretty stocked up, but we finally ran out, but I remember paying about $5 and change for a 12 pack of Scott and now.....$8.57! OMG...almost NINE dollars for toilet paper! I considered going with a cheaper store brand, but sorry...I'm very picky about my toilet paper! lol We also get these bags of Tyson chicken tenderloins from the frozen food section. I think they were about $6 and change on sale, but then I saw the regular price was over $9!! We are going to have to start eating cheaper I think! lol
Oh, forgot to touch on NSD...Chon had come over to scrap the day away and check out all the online challenges and contests online that day. I hadn't had the chance to plan any pages ahead of time so I didn't really get much done except for two 8.5x11 pages. One of which I did for one of the challenges over on It was a random drawing for the winner, but I didn't win :( $135 worth of free scrapbook stuff would have been really nice :) lol But I guess I can't be greedy because I won last year. Maybe next year. I'll post the pic of the page I did for the contest. Oh and of some flash cards I printed out in word and altered a bit.
No church today. Miguel had to go help his parents at their little shop so Mikey and I are home for the day. I miss South San Filidelfia. We went to his church two Sundays in a row (we take turns each week) and today it was my turn. Can't wait until next Sunday. When he gets home, we are going to move some furniture around. With the bad rain we had on Thursday, a corner of our bedroom got a leak and I really don't want to have our bed right by it. So we are switching our bedroom with the kids "play room" (which was my mom's room). I was going to start the other day, but didn't want to hurt my gergin! lol I might try to move what I can before he gets here just to speed it along...just the smaller stuff. Anyway, that's about all that's going on around here. Just wanted to do a small update of my oh so interesting life! lol Smell ya latah ;)