Friday, April 8, 2011

Magic Eraser...

I've been done with my "chores" since way earlier this morning. The house is spotless, no laundry to do, nothing needs to be cleaned. I want to scrap, I want to be creative. I have all this free time, so many new yummy scrappy things to play with. I have several blogs and sketches bookmarked, but my mind is just so full of "life gunk" and I can't seem to muster up the energy to move from this chair and get some scrapping done. I feel like...I have no someone sucked the life out of me and all I can do is sit here in a useless lump. I don't like the way it feels. I wonder if a magic eraser could erase all this "stuff" out of my head?


Michelle said...

I hear you! "Life" can suck the mojo out of you, that is for sure. I am right with you. We have so many things that we need to figure out right now.. big decisions!! Hard to know what to do. Neither of us are sleeping.

Michelle said...

Isn't there magic eraser in cleaning supplies too? ... Besides the point :p

You should take a break from chores one more and just sit out side with it cool and relax. Maybe you need a vacation to the beach? I think the waves are calming... though i'm sure that's not feasible right now :(

Lal said...

LOL Michelle..yes, there is a Magic Eraser in cleaning supplies which is why I said it :) I DO need a kids are just driving me a little batty right now...mostly Lij (the oldest one), he's 12...nuff said!