Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the scrapping continues....

I have had this picture in my computer since LAST Halloween! I FINALLY scrapped it!! Whipped this LO up real quick after Mikey went to bed tonight. I am seriously thinking of scrapping strictly in this size now! Another plus that I didn't think of before is that I can just buy 3 ring binders to put these LOs in. I'm not too picky about what the "album" looks like...I just want them "in" something. And you know how sometimes you can find really cute 3 ring binders at Target and stuff like that...I'm thinking this will be more cost efficient as far as that. Anywhere I can save some money right now is always good :) So, here's my LO. Oh, and if anyone knows any good sites for this size with sketches, do tell :)


shopgirlaudi said...

Oh...this is cute. Simple, but cute:)Since I always use bigger pics I tend to lean towards the 12x12, but this would be a good idea to use up any 4x6 pics you might already have printed out. I know I have tons from before I started printing my own pics:)

Sasha Farina said...

if you notice, I've been scrappin' some 8.5 x 11 too! woohoo!! great minds eh? LOL :D and btw, I don't havea twin sister like you, LOL. Those are not me on my layout, they're my sister #2 and #3 :D and yes, we look a like, most people confuse us with one another so we usually enjoy a laugh or two at the drycleaners, the salon... LOL. the case of mistaken identity is pretty funny..